Harry Potter evening at the castle

Soirée Complet

Friday February 7
From 19h45 to 21h30


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For an evening, come (re)discover the world of the famous wizard with round glasses. A bewitching and magical night where quizzezs, costume competitions, investigation games, reading ... await you. A children's course and a teen-adulte course will be planned to celebrate this Harry Potter night

This year's theme : "care for fantastic beasts"


Les infos + que pratiques ...

Public : general public from 10 years old
Price : completely free evening
How to book ? By calling bookstore "au temps des livres" on 02 38 05 58 39. Hurry because the number of places is limited. 
In which rooms of the castle does thes take place ? In the keep, part on the ground floor (accessible to people with reduced mobility) and another part on the 1st floor in the hall of honor (non accessible to people with reduced mobility)

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